Voennaya Psihologiya Maklakov

The paper presents and discusses outcomes of a study on the social psychological correlates of professional health in armed forces personnel. The study revealed corre- lations between indicators of mental strain (burnout and stress symptoms), on the one hand, and personality traits and social demographical status of the subjects, on the other hand.

The article reveals the urgency of improving the professional development of internal forces unit commanders and existing contradictions. On the basis of theoretical and empirical research, specifying the psychological essence of professional formation of internal troops units commanders, we determine the content of psychological support of this process on the example of unit commanders on escort duty, extradition and protection of the accused. We propose criteria and indicators of professional development, as well as an approach for their use in the implementation of psychological monitoring of unit commanders’ professional development success as part of psychological support. The results of these studies support the hypothesis that the valid content implementation in psychological support of professional development at the stage of independent professional activity can greatly increase the success of professionalization. References • Aron I.S. Metody psihologicheskogo soprovozhdeniya professional'nogo opredeleniya // Psihologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie PSYEDU.ru.

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Voennaya Psihologiya Maklakov

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