Retina Network Security Scanner Serial Number

• Users Manual Retina ® Network Security Scanner. • This document is supplied on an 'as is' basis with no warranty and no support. Limitations of Liability In no event shall eEye Digital Security be liable for errors contained herein or for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages (including lost profit or lost data) whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
Looking for a tool that can scan dozens of network ports and, when it's done. Zoshit z navchannya gramoti ta rozvitku movlennya. Pro explains how to use the free community edition of the eEye Retina scanner. On how to configure and troubleshoot many of today's top security products.
• Collateral Information..1 Installation..1 Installation Requirements..1 Installing Retina from the CD-ROM..1 Opening the Installation Wizard with Run Dialog..7 Installing Retina from the Command Line..8 Uninstalling Retina..10 Uninstalling Retina from the Command Line..12 Retina Sessions..13 Starting Retina..13 Startup Message..13. • Viewing Previous Jobs from a DSN..60 Auto Update...61 What is Auto Update..61 Manual Update..62 License Management..65 Running Retina for the First Time..65 Migrating Retina to a New Machine..65 Terminating a License..66 Retina Audit Wizard..67 Using the Plugins Wizard..79 Using Retina From the Command Line..80. • Table of Contents Retina Users Manual Glossary...82. • Introduction Preface The Retina Network Security Scanner is designed to work in conjunction with your existing systems, networks, security packages, databases, and user interfaces.
This enables you to proactively guard against intrusion by regularly testing the integrity of your network to uncover and fix potential security weaknesses. • • Internet connection Installing Retina from the CD-ROM If you meet the system requirements specified above, complete the following steps to install Retina from the provided CD-ROM. EEye recommends that you exit all Windows™ programs before you run the Retina Installation Wizard Insert the Retina CD into your workstation’s CD-ROM drive. • Installation Retina Users Manual 2. The License Agreement window appears.
• Installation Retina Users Manual Review the End-User Software License Agreement. You must accept the license agreement to continue using the Retina Installation Wizard. The Destination Folder window appears. Kingroot 4.0 apk. • Installation Retina Users Manual This window allows you to select the directory where the installation wizard will install the Retina files. Do one of the following: • Accept the default destination folder: C: Program Files eEye Digital Security Retina 5.

• Click Browse, and select a folder where you want the Retina files to be installed. • Installation Retina Users Manual 6. The install program displays a progress bar and shows the files as the application copies them to your system.
• Installation Retina Users Manual Once Retina is completely installed, the following screen displays to confirm a successful installation. • Opening the Installation Wizard with Run Dialog Complete the following steps to open the Retina Installation Wizard from Windows™ Run Dialog rather than directly off the CD-ROM. EEye recommends that you exit all Windows™ programs before you run the Retina Installation Wizard.
One of the following occurs: • If you entered the correct path for R e t i n a S e t u p. E x e, the Welcome window of the Retina Installation Wizard appears. • • CREATEDESKTOPICON=”0” – Disables creation of a desktop icon for Retina. This option is enabled by default. Set to 0 to prevent creation of the icon. • CREATEQUICKLAUNCH=”0” – Disables creation of a quick launch icon for Retina. This option is enabled by default.
Set to 0 to prevent creation of the icon. • Installation Retina Users Manual 6. Go to step 3 of Installing Retina from the CD-ROM for procedures on using the Retina Installation Wizard to install Retina. Uninstalling Retina Complete the following steps to remove Retina from your workstation using the Retina Uninstall Wizard. EEye recommends that you exit all Windows™. • Windows™ displays a prompt to allow you to continue the uninstall of Retina.
Select Yes to continue. The uninstall displays a prompt asking if you would like to remove your Retina license from the machine. Select Yes to remove the license, or No to keep the license for later use on the same machine. • Uninstalling Retina from the Command Line Complete the following steps to remove Retina from your workstation using the Windows™ Installer from the command line. EEye recommends that you exit all Windows™ programs before you run the Windows™ Installer. • “WarningInfo.htm” in the Retina installation directory. This file will display in a text box when Retina starts.