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Its not homophobic lol, that means u have a fear of homosexuals. Its not fear its concern cuz the act is a sin, thas whats wrong with it.

Why would you risk burning in hell for personal gratification? Thats something you cant go back from. Why dont they look for it in the opposite sex? You havent sinned till you've done the act, its not a lifestyle, its a simple choice. Finding the same same sex attractive dont make you gay, having sex with them does. You can think the same gender is attractive without it meaning anything. People can say they dont 'believe' it but that dont mean that somethin isnt true.

If your wrong, you burn, if im wrong i just rot in the ground. Thats a risk im not willing to take. Zvuki iz igri warcraft 2017.

Yes homosexuality is in the new testament rom 1:26. Anything we do contrary to godswill is sin. But none can perfect that which is why god sent Jesus to die for our sins. As for the comment of god not being real. Every night when you lay your head down and you have that empty feeling in your heart and wonder what going to happen to me when I die, remember this thread.

Misery loves company but don't bash god to drag others down with you. BTW anyone who hates on this thread Jesus said you will be hated because of my name so if you think about it you are making the Bible more true. All my brothers in Christ and those who don't believe. Love you all and remember. God isn't about us burning in hell or going to heaven, although it's a big part of it.

It's about creating a relationship with jesus and loving one another here on earth. Yes we are called to live how god tells us yet if we focus on him first all that will fall into place. Peace and love from up above. Praying for love and spiritual enlightenment for us. By the way if anyone wants to strengthen their bond with Christ check out marked men for Christ. Org peace and love from the master Jesus to all who receive it willingly. I can't believe that all this started with a simple meme.

I do believe in god and I think that being gay is not only a sin, but also unnatural.like, take the animals for example.they aren't attracted towards the same sex.the only creatures that are actually attracted to the same sex are plants.and as for the frogs that are 'found to be gay' they were actually treated with chemicals that are (in a nutshell) drugs. I really pity those who think that being gau is ok and RIGHT. I pity their fate. Listen up you homophobic (defined by the dictionary as 'having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people') idiots. Being gay isn't a choice, you don't choose who you're attracted to. It isn't 'wrong' or 'a sin' to be gay. First of all, 'sinning' is bullshit because we have enough science to disprove most of the bible so that argument is made completely void.

Second, since I know you didn't pay attention to the argument against the bible, if being gay was 'wrong' then why would God create them? Sexuality is because of chemicals that were given to you as a fetus, and cannot be changed after birth. I can't tell you to 'just start liking people of your gender' and expect any change because you aren't scientifically able to like them. I'm astounded that you have the audacity to even think of saying anything homophobic when all of science (things that have been proven to be correct) disagrees with you. Just gonna interject here and say that I can guarantee you at least one person in your life that you are close and are on good terms with, be they a family member, a friend, a neighbor, etc. Is either gay, bisexual, or trans. These people exist, and they are everywhere.


They're good people. They just wanna live their lives, free of judgement, and free of hate. The world is moving on. Times have changed, opinions have changed. I'm frankly of the opinion that no benevolent god would punish two consenting adults for loving each other. I think, rather, it's more likely that somewhere along the way, the message got twisted and warped, by someone with an agenda. Some of the opinions and wording used in this thread are deeply disturbing, and you ought to be ashamed of yourselves.