Keytext 3 Serial Number

If users attempt to access a StarTeam Server configuration that is managed by an unlicensed version of StarTeam Server, the tabs in the upper and lower panes of their clients will not display. Customers buy named Enterprise, concurrent Enterprise, named Enterprise Advantage, or concurrent Enterprise Advantage licenses. Any client can access any StarTeam Server as long as that StarTeam Server recognizes the user and has a license for that user.

For example, when you first register, you might enter two serial numbers: one for. Enter the correct numbers in the Serial Number and Access Key text boxes. Sia smaart live 7 crack download.

Customers usually choose just one method of licensing, but combinations can be supported as long as they are all for the same edition. Licensing is handled after the installation, either by setting up a licensing server and putting 'slip' files in the Licenses folder (a child of the StarTeam Server's installation folder) or by registering native licenses using the Server Administration tool. Before entering native licenses, you must delete the evaluation key. For Enterprise and Enterprise Advantage, licenses are stackable as long as they are for the same edition of StarTeam Server. For example, when you first register, you might enter two serial numbers: one for named user licenses and another for concurrent licenses.

For more information about licensing, see Understanding Licensing. You can add more named users or concurrent licenses.

StarTeam Server keeps track of the total number by summing the licenses supplied in each serial number or slip. This is referred to as stackable licensing. Note: • You cannot license StarTeam Server while any of its server configurations are running as a Microsoft Windows service.

• If you change the registered license while a project is open on a user’s workstation, the licensing takes effect for that user by closing and reopening the project window. To license StarTeam Server from the Server Administration tool (native licensing): • Click Start > Programs > Micro Focus > StarTeam Server > StarTeam Server. The Server Administration tool opens. • On the Server Administration menu bar, click Help > About.

The About StarTeam Server dialog box opens. • Select the License node in the left pane of the dialog box.

• If you have yet to enter a license, you must delete the evaluation key by selecting it from the right pane of the dialog box and clicking Delete. • Click Register. The Server Registration dialog box opens. • Enter the correct numbers in the Serial Number and Access Key text boxes. Serial numbers are case sensitive; access keys are not. • Close the About StarTeam Server dialog box.

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