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Fas t, accu rat e and sca lab le dat a ana lys is tec hni que s are nee ded to ext ract use ful information from huge pile of data. Data warehouse is a single, integrated source of decision su pp or t in fo rm at io n fo rm ed by co ll ect in g da ta fr om mu lt ip le so ur ce s, in te rn al to th e organization as well as external, and transforming and summarizing this information to enable improved decision making. Data warehouse is designed for easy access by users to large amounts of information, and data access is typically supported by specialized analytical tools and app lica tio ns. Typ ica l app lic ati ons inc lud e dec isi on su ppo rt sy ste ms and exe cut ion information system. Data mining is the exploration and analysis of large quantities of data in order to disco ver valid, nove l, poten tially useful, and ultim ately understan dable patterns in data.

Data Warehousing, Data Mining, and OLAP book. Read 12 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Data Warehousing is the nuts-and-bolts gu.