1874 Gatling Gun Blueprints Weapon

High Quality Unmarked Hand Crafted Miniature 10-Barrel Gatling Gun, with Tripod and Case, a unique miniature replica of the Model 1874 Gatling Gun, with 10 blued steel barrels, brass tube frame, with swivel gimbal and telescoping elevation tube, 7' stick mag, all on steel and brass tripod.

Great question i have been asking myself. On the Gatling gun forum the rgg gun seems more popular than the d+e gun (in scale model form). I have bought both plans inquisitive about the drawings. I have read all the forum threads and there seems to be many design problems with these guns on that scale. I would like to ask a question if the gun was made full scale would there be so many problems. I wold be so bummed out after 1000 machine hours or so to have a gun that would miss fire or not eject shells.

Years ago I picked up a set of drawings patterned after the original black powder version of the Gatling, produced from the patent drawings. Instead of cartridges, the gun used black powder 'chargers' that fed from a hopper on top of the gun. The chargers were machined from a solid round blank with a chamber for powder, patch and ball, and a nipple for the percussion cap. The gun used.50 caliber barrels.

I still have the drawings around here somewhere. A full-sized gun, it would be impressive belching black power smoke, even firing blanks, but a job to clean afterward, and a lot of work to load all the chargers before hand. I have a set of plans, I don't remember which, but roaming around the forums has scared me away, and you never know if the very 'best' machinists get it right the first time. It does seem like it hit or miss whether one can ever get one to work right. But it's a complicated machine and there's lots of room for error, and I'm error prone.

Like so many projects it seems like a retirement project, I always imagine that when (if) I ever get to retire I'll be able to work without interruption. I earn my living making parts, and usually 4 or more different types at a time. Interruptions are part of it all. [shifty eyes] [air quotes]. [/air quotes]:D No, really. The guy's been into blackpowder cannons and the like for a while, and apparently recently picked up some small machines now that he's retired. He's not a total newbie to machining, but also not terribly experienced, and wanted a project that was reasonably challenging.

He'd gotten a subscription to HSM and saw the gatling plans, and wanted my opinion. My 'opinion' was that I'd love to see one built, and possibly even help, but that I'd never done one, seen a functional one in person, nor knew the difference between the various plans that were available. Free download game monopoly modoo marble terbaru full version.

It would be fun to make one that shoots paint balls. I suspect it's been done already. -Not as much as you might think. There have been plenty of tries, but the only one I know of that actually works (and isn't just a regular paintball gun with a dummy 'shroud' of nonfunctional barrels) is really just eight inexpensive electric markers arranged on a rotating frame.

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The guy's been into blackpowder cannons and the like for a while, and apparently recently picked up some small machines now that he's retired. He's not a total newbie to machining, but also not terribly experienced, and wanted a project that was reasonably challenging. I have a good friend here in Austin who's mostly done the RG-G plans, and it looks really nice. By the way, you realize both sets of plans are.22LR based, right? Doing a black power version seems like a whole lot more work, and not as economical when you consider the cost of a brick of.22LR (at least, when the panic subsides).

1874 Gatling Gun Blueprints Weapon

I purchased both sets of plans many years ago but have yet to embark on building one. I have accumulated enough lumps of brass and 22 barrels, but other things continue to get in the way. My opinion and that of a couple of people I have spoken with who have built both is that the D&E produces a better finished gun. If you compare the two side by side, the differences are obvious. The RGG looks like a Gatling gun, but the D&E is a much more accurate model, much closer in scale than the RGG, but a bit more difficult to build.

D&E has updated and redrawn the plans since my purchase and includes a pretty good set of build instructions. I am not sure about RGG.

After building all 3 of the CCS Brownings (1917, 1919, & M2/MaDeuce) and the beautiful MG-42 from BigBoy1 (here on the forum) I figured I was ready to tackle a Gatling and proceeded to do research on which plans, degree of difficulty, sense of cost, estimate of build time, etc, etc. I pretty quickly settled on the D&E plans from reading many accounts that gave the edge to them as being the better (tho still with a few glitches). This was a few years ago when brass was on its rocket ship ride to the stars, and I was having trouble locating barrels (at that time) so material cost was becoming a real issue. Then, with the reading of the length of time that could easily be needed to do this project, and a skill level that I thought I just wasnt quite up to - along with the problems many of the finished guns were having. It just wasnt a project I wanted to invest that amount of time and money into and possibly end up with a non functioning piece ---The plans are stuck in a drawer some place. When you build a replica like that, how do you handle the parts that don't scale well? I'm assuming that the idea is to get as close to the original as possible.